



Rhinos are stubborn guys, you know... and to be worthy of our name, so are we! Cyber Rhino Studios is an independent game developer company situated in Florianópolis, Brazil, fruit of years in the industry and much perseverance. Our goal is simple yet challenging: to make games the way we love so that gamers like us can love them. Our focus is in making fun, challenging games modeled by old times standards. Now that we have the chance to make our dream projects come true… we want to share them out loud with everyone!

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Game Designer, programmer and unconditional fan of rhinos. Works in the game industry since 2006 and has acted in various positions whiting game development: Q&A, producer, game designer and programmer. Participated in various projects such as: Omniscire, Taikodom and Lisa’s Fleet Flight. In 2014 dedicated himself to the dream of working exclusively with authoral games and to this end created the Cyber Rhino Studios seal, which since then, stamps all projects with his participation.

imagem de Efeito

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